Fragrance Blog - Reviews

Ghaliyah Reflection by Amelia Perfume

Ghaliyah Reflection by Amelia Perfume

On the days I don’t want to see my Emperor Hind bottle go down, I wear this. That being said, this has a lot of familiarity with Emperor Hind. This is no Emperor, but those that missed out will…

Cuir de Russie Garment Perfume by Areej Le Dore

Cuir de Russie Garment Perfume by Areej Le Dore

First, let’s clear something up. There are very few people I will listen to when they tell me not to wear a specific perfume on skin. Russian Adam is one of them. With his dousing of rose and oakmoss,…

One Seed Perfume Dreamer

One Seed Perfume Dreamer

One Seed Perfume Dreamer – All Natural Perfume ____________________________________________ Just meeting my niece for the first time this weekend due to Covid. Naturals are the perfect scent for me to turn to. And I actually have been wanting to wear the last two side by side to compare but full wearings on each day satisfied. […]

Strange Invisible Perfumes PELOPONNESIAN

Strange Invisible Perfumes PELOPONNESIAN

Strange Invisible Perfumes PELOPONNESIAN – by Alexandra Balahoutis ____________________________________________ Hydro-distilled orange & lime, cypress, orange flower, mountain sage honey & botanical musk ____________________________________________ More technical than the notes lead on. This is sweetened green citrus musk. It is light and easy. A perfect afternoon spray or mid morning. #StrangeInvisiblePerfumes #AlexandraBalahoutis #california #PELOPONNESIAN #perfume #strangeinvisible #orangeflower […]

Dixit and Zak RISING MYSORE 2

Dixit and Zak RISING MYSORE 2

Dixit and Zak RISING MYSORE 2 – Finally have review up and scored ????️ This is different from Part One, but a true continuation of Rising Mysore. Off the top, Rising Mysore 2 is a much quieter perfume than the original. I would even go as far to say this is a Japanese-Indian fusion. People […]

Rising Mysore 2 by Dixit and Zak

Rising Mysore 2 by Dixit and Zak

This is different from Part One, but a true continuation of Rising Mysore. Off the top, Rising Mysore 2 is a much quieter perfume than the original. I would even go as far to say this is a Japanese-Indian…

Kashmir Nuit by Dixit and Zak

Kashmir Nuit by Dixit and Zak

There is a sweet sarsaparilla in the opening that is spicy, fruity, and tangy. This isn’t full-on root beer, but imagine a Thai-style root beer. Like with Thai food; with every bite, you get a mix of sweet, sour,…

This was the second four leaf clover in downtown Portland

This was the second four leaf clover in downtown Portland

This was the second four leaf clover in downtown Portland – While the riots continue on in a city full of tradition of progression and change. This season I will remember when I went to the city and bought two Areej Le Dore’s I thought I would have to wake up at three in the […]

Just found a four leaf clover in downtown Portland

Just found a four leaf clover in downtown Portland

Just found a four leaf clover in downtown Portland – All shops are busted up with their windows boarded up in downtown Portland. But somehow I was able to complete the hottest transaction in the city. Met a guy on the west side and somehow I walked away with this. No there aren’t any favors […]

Congrats to all the Winners of the Art and Olfaction Awards

Congrats to all the Winners of the Art and Olfaction Awards

Congrats to all the Winners of the Art and Olfaction Awards – Young Hearts – Miguel Matos @acamporaprofumi_official @miguelmatosperfumes Post_Hume, Rosine Courage @sonvenin Rasa, Rachel Binder Nimbis,Linda Sivrican @parallaxolfactory Bonsai, Christi Meshell @christimeshell I want to personally thank every perfumer that goes through the process of creation. I can’t imagine the day I have to […]