Fragrance Blog - Reviews

Rasa 2020

Rasa 2020

Rasa’s 2020 batch is a bit different from the 2019 version. There are batch variations because Rachel tinctures ingredients herself. She’s taken wine-making skills and brought them in, to put fruit into perfumery. She uses the concept of terroir…

Santal Galore by Areej Le Dore

Santal Galore by Areej Le Dore

In my college years, I had Indonesian and Malaysian friends that would always light up with a big smile whenever durian was mentioned. My first experience with it was kicking them out of the dorm for bringing in what…

Bonsai by House of Matriarch

Bonsai by House of Matriarch

Memories of Karate Kid. This was one of the first movies I saw in a theatre. Christi Meshell from House of Matriarch. I have covered her many times. I almost skipped this one because so many of her fragrances…

Keman by Di Ser

Keman by Di Ser

This is the opening that only the likes of Carson, Leno, and Letterman could bring. I’ve stated many times last year that yuzu is my favorite citrus to stand on its own in the opening. It’s not too showy…

Gentlemen’s Club by Elixir Attar

Gentlemen’s Club by Elixir Attar

Baque lovers like me will find a similarity, but it doesn’t hold. This thing goes deeper and further into the halls of tobacco. We are going into the shadows, people. This is educated whiskey here. Not that sip you…

Absinthe-Minded by Anka Kus

Absinthe-Minded by Anka Kus

Absinthe-Minded is an easy-wearing minty, slightly boozy fragrance. This is headed toward a fougere, but it never really gets there. A fantastic fennel note gives off black licorice aromatics with mint, and soft white woods provide balance. As the…

Soryo No Kaori

Soryo No Kaori

The woods are there, but this is all new. It’s watery, vibrant green, smoky, camphorous, and highlights the signature Agar Aura mind buzz. You do receive a sweet essence in the mix of incense and a surprise of something…

Agar Aura Al Jazzab

Agar Aura Al Jazzab

Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared. I can’t find the rose, at least not in the way I am used to. It’s hidden. It’s so much a part of the glorious…






Al-Jazzab Is an OG OUD & ROSE – Oud and Camphor drench a stemmed rose. Using Taha’s words first my review will release next week: Oud and rose. A combination that’s quite common and yet most perfumes that utilize it fall short in doing it justice. Our Layali featured oud and rose, and the sheer […]